Monday 16 February 2015

Life Drawing - dress up and colour compositions

Even though I've been totally swamped with dissertation work I managed to take two days out to sneak into the 2nd Year's life drawing classes, as I wanted to start drawing people again, so I can draw my jewellery designs onto my own illustrations.

These are my favourites from day one, I had such a fun day experimenting with new collage techniques and playing with Poscas, more from day two to be uploaded once I've handed the dissertation in (hopefully getting it printed and bound today!)

Big love for my tutor Martyn for letting my come along to the drawing sessions, he's fab and you should check out his drawings and video work here:

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Posca pens, with a hint of Pentel - new A4 drawings

Ive begun a new drawing book (partly because I had to leave my precious collage book at uni for assessment!) and have decided to go A4 this time as I have gotten ever so comfortable working in A5 I thought I needed the change of size too to experiment with larger scale drawings, next stop, A3!

These are just my first two, I'm still working on a couple more but I'm not quite happy with them yet. Lets put it this way, one looks like a 'my-first-colouring-book-im-going-to-use-every-colour-in-my-pen-collection!' drawing; so definite refinement needed!

Collaging China

Collages based on Chinese architecture, both traditional and modern; using coloured papers, black pilot pen and coloured posca pens. Some collages are made by laying down the papers and then choosing a image to fit, or choosing the image first and laying the papers in a more planned way. I like the way to bright colours interact, and how the black lines tie the images together, and the using white posca to highlight areas such as windows.

I have been finding much inspiration from the shapes that arise in my drawings, such as the windows on skyscrapers, outlines of lanterns, and the patterns created by architectural details fusing together. 

More to come soon, with new colour palettes, and found papers...

Sunday 11 May 2014

Exploring Colour

As part of my drawing project I wanted to push myself to use colour more, and in particular use it across a whole image, not just small highlights. 

The drawings above are based on photos of nebula in space, using watercolour paints and black pen (right) I love the array of swirling colours that are found across the universe.

The drawings below all incorporate a bit of collage, and bold colours using Posca pens and gouache paints



Black line drawings from my personal sketchbook,  drawing like this is one of my favourite ways of drawing, I love the style and the strong image that result from not erasing any lines.

 This book is one that I keep that isn't anything to do with uni work, so there is quite a random selection of things that I've drawn, I use a V5 Hi-Tecpoint liquid ink Pilot pen... 




Tuesday 6 May 2014

Clusters continued..

Some new drawings from 'the cluster book', starting to incorporate collage with a sort of surrealist feel at times, and also adding more colours that pop...

Sunday 13 April 2014

The Cluster Book - the beginnings

As part of my personal exploration of drawing I have dedicated a book to drawing clusters, as I do tend to draw alot of clusters and the rock imagery I have been researched is quite 'cluster-y', I have begun by looking at images of lichen, barnacles and coral, here is a selection of my first few...